Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Millionaire offers £240,000 to any man who will marry his beautiful virgin daughter

Millionaire Arnon Rodthong, 58, is auctioning off his own daughter
Offers £240,000 and a stake in his farm if they marry Karnsita, 26

Bizarre social media post highlights that the 26-year-old is a virgin
Karnsita Rodthong has spoken out about her 'surprise' seeing the 'offer'
She says she'd like the money for herself to use for plastic surgery
A Thai multi-millionaire farm owner is promising £240,000 - as well as his entire estate - to the man who marries his 26-year-old daughter.

Arnon Rodthong, 58, who owns a prosperous durian fruit farm in Chumphon province, southern Thailand, has taken the matter of his daughter Karnsita's future into his own hands.

In his bizarre 'offer', Mr Rodthong highlights that his daughter, who helps him run the family business, speaks fluent English and Chinese and is a virgin.

Daily Mail